New disease that affects the macula discovered
Researchers from the National Eye Institute (NEI) have identified a new disease that affects the macula, a small part of the light-sensing retina needed for sharp, central vision. Scientists report their findings on the novel macular dystrophy, which is yet to be named, in JAMA Ophthalmology. NEI is part of the National Institutes of Health.
What are the eye symptoms of acute myeloid leukemia?
Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) can cause eye symptoms, such as swelling, bleeding, and eye infections. These can occur because of the spread of the cancer itself or indirect causes, such as side effects of chemotherapy and steroid medication.
Researchers identify how multiple genes impact vision development and result in rare sight disorder
An international team of health researchers have, for the first time, described how genetic defects influence the spectrum of vision development and cause problems in developing babies' eyes.
Treatment for retinal vein occlusion yields long-lasting vision gains, study shows
New research shows that a treatment for retinal vein occlusion yields long-lasting vision gains, with visual acuity remaining significantly above baseline at five years. However, many patients require ongoing treatment. Retinal vein occlusion is one of the most common blinding conditions in the United States; without treatment, central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO), the most severe type of retinal vein occlusion often leads to significant and permanent vision loss. A report on five-year outcomes of the Study of Comparative Treatments for Retinal Vein Occlusion 2 (SCORE2), was published April 21 in American Journal of Ophthalmology. SCORE2 was funded in part by the National Eye Institute (NEI), a part of the National Institutes of Health.
What to know about oily eyelids
Excess production of sebum or oil can lead to oily skin. This can happen anywhere on the body, including the eyelids. Oily eyelids can also result from triggers such as stress, environmental factors, genetics, overwashing, and hormonal changes.
Disparities in diabetic eye care
A new University of Houston study, published in the journal Diabetes Epidemiology and Management, may explain significant racial and ethnic disparities that connect the numbers of those who undergo eye examinations and the prevalence of diabetic eye complications.
Multicenter cohort study shows reduced risk of vision-threatening diabetic retinopathy from fenofibrate
A team of researchers at the University of Pennsylvania has found that administration of a drug currently used to reduce cholesterol levels in the bloodstream can reduce the risk of developing proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) from non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR).
People with vision impairments up to four times more likely to suffer mental health problems
Research by international development organization Sightsavers, University of Ilorin, and the Kogi State Ministry of Health, in Nigeria has revealed links between vision impairment and poor mental health.
Sound can stimulate blind retina to transmit signals to the brain via an ultrasonic retinal prosthesis
Retinal degenerative diseases, caused by progressive degeneration of the light-sensitive photoreceptors in the retina, is one of the major causes of vision loss and blindness, affecting tens of millions of people worldwide. Although the rods and cones which are the light-sensitive cells of the retina have completely degenerated, the neural circuitries connected to the brain are mostly well preserved, providing the opportunity to restore vision by directly stimulating the retinal neurons.
Risks to children's eyesight and general health linked to increased screen time
A new study shows that children's digital screen time has increased significantly during the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in potential risks to physical health.