Robotic scanner automates diagnostic imaging in the eye
Engineers and ophthalmologists at Duke University have developed a robotic imaging tool that can automatically detect and scan a patient's eyes for markers of different eye diseases.
What is eczema on the eyelids?
Several types of dermatitis can produce eczema around the eyes and on the eyelids. This causes discoloration, itching, and swelling.
Time is vision in central retinal artery occlusion
Central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO) is a rare but devastating vascular episode that can have severe impact on vision. Treatment is very time-limited and needs to be initiated very quickly to salvage any vision.
What to know about photophobia
Photophobia refers to an increased sensitivity to light, which can result in pain or avoidance. People with the condition feel that normal light is too bright.
Nerve fibre loss and rise in key immune cells on eye surface may signal 'long COVID'
Nerve fibre loss and an increase in key immune (dendritic) cells on the surface of the eye (cornea) may be an identifying feature of 'long COVID', suggests a small study published in the British Journal of Ophthalmology.
Tailored optical stimulation for the blind
Stimulation of the nervous system with neurotechnology has opened up new avenues for treating human disorders, such as prosthetic arms and legs that restore the sense of touch in amputees, prosthetic fingertips that provide detailed sensory feedback with varying touch resolution, and intraneural stimulation to help the blind by giving sensations of sight.
Vision impairment tied to cognitive decline
Worse visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, and stereo acuity impairment are associated with an increased risk for cognitive decline in older, community-dwelling individuals, according to a study published online July 16
10 child eye problems parents should never ignore
Childhood is a crucial time for developing healthy vision. Symptoms of eye problems in children can sometimes be obvious and other times may be more subtle. It’s important to detect and treat issues early, while vision is still developing. Regular screenings with a pediatric ophthalmologist can help protect your child’s vision as they grow.
What can cause sticky eyes?
People may use the term sticky eyes to describe when a wet or sticky discharge causes the eyelid to feel as though it is stuck together. The condition can occur due to various conditions that affect the eyes, such as styes, conjunctivitis, and blepharitis.
First report of COVID-19 orbital involvement
A severe skin infection in the orbital area (around the eye) may represent an unusual complication of COVID-19, according to a patient report published in The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery.