Remyelinating drug could improve vision in patients with multiple sclerosis
A team led by a biomedical scientist at the University of California, Riverside, reports a drug—an estrogen receptor ligand called indazole chloride (IndCl)—has the potential to improve vision in patients with multiple sclerosis, or MS.
Anxiety increases the risk of glaucoma progression
A study published in Scientific Reports found that anxiety increased the risk of glaucoma progression. “These finding offer new insights into the care of patients with glaucoma. Therefore, the management of depression or anxiety may be helpful in managing glaucoma,” the researchers wrote of their findings.
Glaucoma care after COVID-19: The pan-american view
Results of a survey among ophthalmologists indicate that patients are receiving fewer examinations — with worsening glaucoma, says S. Fabian Lerner, MD, speaking at the Glaucoma 360 New Horizons Forum.
Combination drops may help patients challenged by multiple glaucoma meds
Management of glaucoma aims to keep eye pressure reduced, without frequent or significant fluctuation. Glaucoma drops typically are effective in optimal conditions, but some real-life barriers affect adherence and, as a result, pressure control. Compounded combination drops can help patients overcome those barriers.
Sustained blindness risk higher with severe diabetic retinopathy at diagnosis
More advanced diabetic retinopathy (DR) at first diagnosis is a significant risk factor for developing sustained blindness over two years, according to a study published online Jan. 20 in Diabetes Care.